Remulus Entertainment

Remulus Entertainment


Af og med Mathias Madsen Munch

The Neverending Maze

Remulus Entertainment


Af og med Mathias Madsen Munch

The Neverending Maze

Om produktionen

Mathias Madsen Munch is a Danish composer, artist and musical entrepreneur. He specializes in creating interactive format performances, both indoor and outdoor. He composes for concert houses, symphony orchestras, theme parks, visual content creators and for a diverse range of producers from both the tourism and cultural sectors. His music has gained international recognition through partnerships with the Danish Cultural Institute in Brazil, Latvia and Russia. Mathias Madsen Munch holds a Masters degree in film scoring from the Danish National Academy of Music, a Masters degree in educational psychology from the Aarhus University and a Bachelor degree in musicology and psychology from the University of Copenhagen. He is currently the vice chairman of DSP (Danish Songwriters and Producers).
Forestillingen er støttet af Hong Kong Power House
Amazing – I really loved this
Emma Damzel

Hong Kong Post

"Amazing – I really loved this"
Emma Damzel

Hong Kong Post

Medvirkende & Kreditering

Mathias Madsen Munch
Kandidat i filmkomposition fra Syddansk Musikkonservatorium, kandidat i Pædagogisk Psykologi fra Aarhus Universitet og bachelor i Musikvidenskab fra Københavns Universitet. Han har komponeret flere interaktive koncerter for børn som DR Musikariets huskomponist.
Aalborg symfoniorkester
Aalborg Symfoniorkester er et anerkendt dansk orkester med base i Aalborg. Det blev grundlagt i 1943 og er kendt for sine klassiske og moderne programmer samt samarbejder med internationale solister og dirigenter. Orkestret prioriterer formidling og musikalsk udvikling for børn og unge.

Praktisk Information