Remulus Entertainment

Remulus Entertainment

Om produktionen
Præsenteret i samarbejde med

"Both myself and my art ​students were very ​excited. The combination ​of music and animation ​worked really well as a ​way to communicate your ​cause, and several ​students later described ​how deeply moved they ​were by the performance. ​My students fit perfectly ​into the target audience."
"BIOFONIA is an amazing ​animated concert ​experience that allows us to ​step into the rainforest and ​witness its beauty, but also ​the brutal fate currently ​facing the rainforest and its ​inhabitants."
"It was genius to blend ​music, presentations, ​and animation in such a ​way. We found ourselves ​nudging each other at ​times because it was so ​well done."
Medvirkende & Kreditering

Roni Kot Wenzell
Mathias Madsen Munch
Fotos fra produktionen

SÃ¥dan booker du
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Datoen og tidspunktet bliver reserveret i vores system, men den er først endeligt booket, når du har modtaget en bekræftelse på din booking fra Remulus Entertainment.

Når Remulus Entertainment har modtaget din foreløbige booking, kontakter vi dig via din oplyste mail og hvorefter der vil blive aftalt nærmere. Det er også din oplyste mail vi vil sende fakturaen til.
Praktisk Information
Tekniske specifikationer
Vejledende priser
Alle priser er ekskl. moms
Antal tilskuere
300- Pris v/ refusion: ,- DKK